I told someone recently about my blog and they ask if I post often and I said, “not really.” Now that we have true-blue high-speed internet (Hello 2023!), it’s time to wrap up this trip. Continue reading “Summer Trip 2021 Part 3”

I told someone recently about my blog and they ask if I post often and I said, “not really.” Now that we have true-blue high-speed internet (Hello 2023!), it’s time to wrap up this trip. Continue reading “Summer Trip 2021 Part 3”
We had about a 45-minute drive from Driggs over to the town of Jackson. Jackson Hole, for those who don’t like me prior to 2021, is the area that includes Jackson and the Tetons. It is a wide valley between 2 mountain ranges. From Jackson to the southern GTNP entrance is another 10-ish minutes. At busy times the traffic is really jammed up in Jackson. Continue reading “Summer Trip 2021 Part 2”
This canvas is natural but not made of any cloth. Nor is the Artist Continue reading “Natural Canvas”
Every full moon I bemoan that I didn’t I didn’t get down to Jekyll to see the moon come up. Over the winter months until time change, it only works out to do this on weekends since I don’t have time to get down after work during the week. Full moon fell on Sunday this month. The best time to get pictures of the moon if you want to capture much of the surrounding area as well, is the night before full moon. The moon comes up approx. 50 min. later every night. Usually, the night of full moon, the moon is coming up just as the sun is finished setting, and darkness is mostly there, except for the moon. If you wait until then, and expose your camera for the moonlight, you won’t see much else. If you Continue reading “Jekyll Island at Dusk”
July 4th weekend 2 of my nieces came and spent the weekend with us. I made sushi the one evening. I use a soy wrap Continue reading “2016 Year in Review Part II”