Because I haven’t done a “random” post recently. Like you really care how often I do a “random” post. Like you care how 2008 the word “random” is. Like I should just get on with what I’m gonna say and cut the theatrics.

Now that I have that snarkiness out of my system, let me just tell you that we have FALL colors in southeast Georgia. Even some of the pecan trees, whose leaves normally turn green and fall off, have GOLDEN ones this year. We had a HARD frost last weekend (okay, enough with the all caps – it’s as bad as overusing “random”), in which were very thankful we weren’t shivering in some cold cabin at church campout. 45° the previous weekend doesn’t seem as cold as 32°. Mostly because it’s not.
My, aren’t I sharp tonight.
I really wanted to capture some beautiful shots of what leaf color we have but is so near dark when I get home from work that it’s too late to get any, especially on an overcast day like today (you folks in the tornado watch area stay safe, please). Maybe I’ll make time to shoot in tomorrow morning’s golden light.
I did find some cotton to show you, though. The 1st term SMBI choir came through here several weeks back and someone mentioned that on this trip was the firs time they had seen cotton.

So if this is the first cotton you’ve seen, you’re welcome. And no, it isn’t that textured in the field. Sorry for the unrealistic view of cotton.
And I must quit designing cards and do other things, like cleaning the house which sadly didn’t get done last weekend. I shall hammer down and get a bunch done tonight. To arrive at Saturday with a partially cleaned house would be a splendid thing.
Oh, and for those of you who like to read my sample names I put on the cards, these names are actual names of kids of celebrities. I kid you not. har har
Not all in the same family, of course.

And the names below all come from our local phone book. I quickly picked some unusual ones. If you are pregnant and picking out names, and decide to use one of them, let me know! 
Seriously, I kid. About you naming your kids after one of these. I kid not that they came from the phone book. Of course, I saw a number of typos in the phone book so maybe some of these are spelled wrong too.
And maybe, just maybe, tomorrow night I will have time to share the pumpkin cheesecake recipe that was being talked about on FB. Totally not my original recipe but I’m totally excited about sharing it. Because that means there will be cheesecake in the house.
And if I can figure out how to insert a FB Like button, I will put on here to my Impressions by ML page.