JoAnn is correct! It is a little crocheted hat that fits over the toilet paper, that is kept on the back of the toilet, so that an extra roll is within reach, in case you sit there sad and forsaken.
And you have plenty of time to memorize the simple little rhyme, as Kathi mentioned!
Michelle, I hope this has relieved the suspense!! (I was almost ready to post this when I saw your comment!) 
I’m not quite sure what made me think of the poem unless it was cleaning up multiple rolls of paper left over from Myra’s bridal shower, in which we had 4 highly decorated TP & tissue paper brides!!
Our brides – Veronica, Myra, Sharon and Laurie
The backs of the elaborate gowns
Myra and the food table
We also played The Price is Right, using 15 household items like cleaning supplies, food staples, etc. and having everyone tally up what they thought the total price would be. Two ladies got within $1.80 of the total, which was really good, considering we also had a few not-frequently-purchased items such as a glass measuring cup and hand broom.
Clarita had beautifully decorated the dining room and all of us hostesses pitched in with the food. We had a fun evening and about packed out Gina’s living room. Myra got many lovely gifts and I’m looking forward to going to northern Indiana in August for her wedding. I’ve been there in the cold of winter twice now so I’m really looking forward to seeing it the summer. Myra has been teaching school here this past year and we are wishing we could keep her.
But, we’re quite happy for her!
Adios! I shall be going out of town for the weekend for a wedding. Doing a first for me: taking pictures. So far I’ve not been too nervous about it. I did dream the other night that I had forgotten to stay ’til they had left the reception, and hadn’t gotten any pictures of them leaving!