I have been a bit surprised that people don’t know about baked oatmeal. On Pinterest, there are a number of baked oatmeal recipes with “Amish” in the title.

I have been a bit surprised that people don’t know about baked oatmeal. On Pinterest, there are a number of baked oatmeal recipes with “Amish” in the title.
Ever since I got back from Italy, I’ve been pursuing homemade pizza recipes. I’ve watched YT videos and found Gemma at Bigger Bolder Baking. She has a really good non-sourdough pizza crust recipe but I wanted to make a sourdough version because … Continue reading “Sourdough Pizza Crust”
I was introduced to a duo of novels by E.D.E.N. Southworth years ago. In case you’re wondering, her name is not Eden but Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte. Sure enough, E.D.E.N. fits on the cover a book much better. Nevitte is her maiden name, Southworth her married name. She has an interesting history and made a living for herself and her two children after her husband abandoned her, by writing. Continue reading “Capitola, an Unusual Heroine”
We decided to drive up the the South Rim of the Grand Canyon the 1st full day we were there. We hoped that going on a Friday would be less crowded than a Saturday. Turns out it was a great idea, because we found out when we arrived that Saturday would be a free admission day and I can only imagine that meant a lot more visitors.
A few years ago a friend (and her family) who lives overseas in mission work was home on a sabbatical. I suggested trying to get together with our friends from long ago (saying that makes me feel older than I feel!) VS days in northwestern Ontario. Continue reading “Arizona in the Spring”