My sister and I were honored when the 4 high school seniors (all girls) asked us to accompany them on their senior trip this spring. They chose Washington DC and Boston in a 8-day time frame. Continue reading “To DC and Beyond – Senior Trip 2019”

My sister and I were honored when the 4 high school seniors (all girls) asked us to accompany them on their senior trip this spring. They chose Washington DC and Boston in a 8-day time frame. Continue reading “To DC and Beyond – Senior Trip 2019”
Last week we had an Appreciation Dinner for all of the public service employees (police, fire, EMS, etc). The sponsors are invited to provide desserts. I had made a few other desserts but we needed a little more dessert, since it didn’t suit many other sponsors to help. Continue reading “Pumpkin Swirl Cheesecake Bars”
One of my favorite {simple} summertime things to do is drive around the countryside with my camera in the evenings. The area is flat as a pancake and far from any vistas we experienced in Italy last fall, or Montana mountains, or Utah canyons, or …. well, south Georgia has it’s own beauty, but in smaller quantities. Continue reading “A Few Pictures”
Who mixes fruit like this? I dunno. The same person who is thoroughly enjoying them both and think they would make a great marriage?
I started this post and just realized I hadn’t finished this up yet! I made more buns yesterday so this is FRESH on my mind. I better finish it up before the idea SOURS. Okay, enough with the puns. 🙂 Continue reading “Sourdough – Sandwich Buns”