Sunday Night
They came running out of the vans
They registered
Chapel – Singing
Monday Night
See Sunday Night
Tuesday Night
See Sunday Night
Wednesday Night
See Sunday Night
Thursday Night
{oops. no more pics.}
Rain Recreation
Yes, finally on the fifth night we had a lovely evening to be outside. The kids (and adults) were nearly wild with glee. Plus, God had sent a lovely breeze along with the threat of rain before the evening began. This blew out the heat of the day, leaving a pleasant evening behind.
We had between 53 and 75 kids. Which is about all we can handle with the way we are set up, plus with the number of people able to help. It always blesses me to see the way everyone pulls together to make this a fun and purposeful week for the kids. We were blessed to have Gina come from NY and Annette from VA come to help us. We use Answers in Genesis’ materials and kudos to them for having such a complete, detailed and Bible-filled curriculum.
Here are more pics from the week.
Had to post this one again. I took very few class pics because it’s so distracting. But this one has so much going on it cracks me up. Gina is through the glass teaching the 4-year-olds. The reflection shows me in the left hand corner behind the camera and the drama team doing a practice run on the stage.