Yes, I know I promised Massachusetts would be next but I have so many pictures and it’s gonna take a while to type it up and other commitments come first right now. Whew!
That said, I have to show you my latest good deal. First of all, let me say that I buy disposable sunglasses. Well, not quite but I go thru them so fast due to 1. leaving them somewhere 2. sitting on them 3. leaving them somewhere. I have left some in Ghana, Switzerland and several other places. I set them down for some reason and then forget to pick them up. So I just buy the $5-$10 glasses so it’s not much of a loss. When I was in N.E. states I bought a pair there, left the same pair in a motel restroom in Boston and bought another pair and ended up bringing those home with me.
Lois thinks I should just buy an expensive pair so I would take better care of them but I’m afraid if I would lose them, then there goes all that money.
I was on Southern Savers, which is a wonderful place to find bargains, in grocery stores and pharmacies here in the south, as well as day to day bargains at many other places. A few weeks ago Jenny mentioned that Graveyard Mall had a special on women’s “branded” sunglasses. Nine pair for $10 and shipping is included. Well, feedback I saw said they were half decent so I ordered a set. How can you go wrong at $1 a piece? They ended being priced anywhere from $10 to $20.
And since the bright winter sun is upon us again, the glasses have arrived just in time. You wanna trade some snow for bright sunshine? Sure. We’d take some!
I was tickled to find that most of them are wearable for me. Keep in mind that I am not a fashion expert so if you think I look weird in them, keep your snickers to a mininum!
I know, you’re snickering already. It doesn’t take glasses…….
Anyway, here’s the first pair:
These first 2 look very near alike.
2nd pair:
That pair was Panama Jack brand.
3rd pair (because goofy lives at my house):
I’m not feeling it so much with these next ones. The lenses are about as big as my face.
4th pair:
But, they have a special feature the others don’t have!!!!
I call this next picture A Loose Missing Screw
So that helps make that decision easy.
5th pair:
Those have really cheap looking bling on the temples. Free to a good home.
6th pair (because goofier lives at my house too):
Not really liking those either. Also free to a good home. Or my toy box.
7th pair:
Those are my favorite, even though I look very sober on this picture. Must be because I forgot to take the take off. See those little circles on the temple? There’s a hole there. Guess it’s to let my temples breathe. Or something.
8th pair:
Yes, I’m shocked that you’re still reading this!!!!
9th pair:
Those are a pair of Hannah Montana shades. In adult sizes?????? They have stars on them. Here’s what I think of them:
No, really they’re not that bad. This adult just doesn’t want to wear Hannah Montana glasses. Free to good home. Or my toybox.
And I don’t think I’ve mentioned that I’ve gotten a new pair of glasses due to issues with photography. Sometimes you need a little more than what contacts can do for you. The best part was that the $ Tree had the right prescription in stock for me.
So what do you think? Would these make you laugh if I wore them at your photoshoot?
Seriously, they give me the heebie jeebies looking at them. Looking through them is another story.
And I shall retreat to the back of the camera again. Where I prefer to be.