Thanks to all who participated in the poll!! Interesting to see the response! For myself, I follow recipes meticulously when it involves any rising agent (b. powder, soda or yeast), but tend to go my own direction making anything else. Sometimes I hit a homerun, occasionally they bomb and I’m glad no else is forced to eat it! One of the reasons I asked the question is that some years ago a friend asked for a recipe (chicken stir-fry) and I said I didn’t have any, just threw the seasonings in as I went. Her response was, “I wish people wouldn’t say that!” For her it was frustrating because cooking was a chore due to some other issues. Her frustration was not directed to me personally but at the fact that cooking was no easy task for her. Now whenever someone asks for a recipe which I don’t have, I feel slightly self-conscious in telling them I don’t have one. I guess that’s my issue, eh?
Another question I have is: when working off an existing recipe, when does a recipe become your own? If you change 1 ingredient? 2? 5? Several years ago we put a cookbook together and I wondered if I needed to change anything on the recipes I had gotten from others that I planned to submit. Maybe it only matters if you’ve copied it from another cookbook or other printed matter. No, I don’t have OCD!
And option “e” in my last poll wasn’t supposed to make sense, JoAnn. Can you say strange sense of humor?? You married someone who is slightly related to me in that area!!!!!
We still have a few cookbooks left to sell. I think less than 25. I’m not sure if we’re ordering more or not. They were for a fund raiser for new construction at church. Need one? Around 400 (?) recipes in an attractive hard-cover, comb-bound book for $12.99.